An introduction from David Farren

As I compose this initial post as Judith Stockdale’s successor, I’m delighted by the warm welcome I’ve received in my new role, both here in Chicago and in the South Carolina Lowcountry. Although it can sometimes sound like a cliché, the opportunity to lead GDDF truly is a “dream job” for me.  If you’ve seen my bio, you know my ties to each region run deep, and that my two biggest passions closely match the Foundation’s areas of engagement.

One of the hallmarks of GDDF’s approach in both regions is to promote, and often participate in, partnerships to advance land conservation and artistic vitality. As a former grantee of the Foundation and one of six organizations participating in the Lowcountry Land Conservation Partnership, I have experienced this approach firsthand. I plan to draw on that experience, and the perspective I bring as a grantee working closely over twenty years with numerous foundations-small, medium and large. I believe our approach is powerful, and I do not foresee fundamental changes to our mission, or even to the way we operate.

I look forward to getting to know many more of you in the coming months– including through this blog– and to continuing the tradition of innovative collaborations in support of conservation and artistic efforts critical to the long term vitality, health and prosperity of these two important regions.

With warm regards,

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