Land Conservation

Nurturing a healthy planet begins with taking care of where we live. Protected areas and working lands — restored, and sustainably managed — are critical to both natural systems and humans. Stewarding our natural resources on which all life depends is imperative to our survival. Particularly in the face of climate change, land conservation is vital to protecting our water resources, addressing flooding, carbon storage, recreational opportunities, open space, and sound land use planning. All communities, including those of color, must be engaged in these critical endeavors through equitable inclusion in the field.


We support innovative and inclusive organizations and programs that advance land conservation across the greater Chicago region, with emphasis on four key themes: protection and stewardship of natural and working lands; climate resiliency; advocacy; and benefits to diverse communities throughout the region.


We support efforts that advance land conservation for habitats and people in the lower coastal plain through resilience, inclusion, and advocacy with an emphasis on eleven counties – Charleston, Beaufort, Berkeley, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Hampton, Horry, Jasper, Marion, Williamsburg.